Elliott with Grandpa Hinkle
Kelly is a master swaddler!
Apparently we thought he was going to get away
Kelly's coworker friend JP's baby was born the day after Elliott in the same hospital, which was pretty neat, so they got to share the excitement in a special way.
Elliott with Grandpa and Grandma Hinkle
Elliott with Grandma Hinkle
Kelly with 1 day old Elliott
Me with 1 day old Elliott
Elliott after getting poked and prodded on his first day of life outside the womb
Me loving on Elliott not long after birth
Kelly happily holding our new son about an hour after he was born
Elliott's placenta. This amazing organ grew with Elliott and connected his lifeline to me for gas exchange, nutrition, and waste removal.
What a beautiful baby Elliot is! I have been checking your blog 3x a day for the last few days waiting for these pictures. Congratulations!
Love, Sarah Register
Congrats you guys!! What a cute little guy! You will make great parents! Nice placenta...that is so Kelly to photograph it:)
God bless,
John and Amanda Walz
He is SO beautiful! Hope you're loving every minute with your little Elliott...as exhausting as those newborn days are, they go by far too quickly. Soak them up! Lots of love to all three of you.
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