I took him to the doctor yesterday for his two-month well baby visit and to get his vaccinations. He officially weighs 12 lbs 8 oz and is 24.5 inches long! (He's gained over four pounds and grown almost three inches in two months!) He's in the 75th percentile for weight and the 95th for height. He's a very healthy, growing boy!
Here are some of the things we've been up to in the past month:
Showing off his big muscles...er, his rolls. :)
Finally getting to meet Aunt Stephanie! He loves her!!
Hitching a ride on Daddy's back.
Playing in his ocean gym. He plays in there for sometimes up to 30 minutes!
Taking an evening walk. Elliott loves to be outside!
Cashed out after a long drive on the way to Indiana. Not quite ready for the big boy bed, yet, though. He spent the night in a drawer. :) Driving all the way to Indiana at 7 weeks old was a pretty big experiment, since he had never been in the car for more than 10 minutes at a time before we dragged him on a 12-hour roadtrip! He was a great traveler, though -- and good thing since Kelly and I like to do a lot of roadtripping!
Elliott's been smiling and "talking" a lot more this month, and has become even more aware and engaged in his surroundings. But perhaps his biggest feat of the month was making major strides in his attempts to roll over. He tries to roll from front to back and from back to front. When he wakes up for his middle-of-the-night feeding, I now often find him laying either on his side, or 90 degrees from how I laid him down. He's moving all around!
When we first told Kelly's parents we were pregnant last Christmas, Mary wanted to get something for the "Poppy Seed." One of those things ended up being this cute pumpkin sleeper, decorated with jack-o-lanterns and candy corns. Elliott loves his mobile (he'll watch it for so long I have to restart it after the 18-minute automatic shut-off), so here's a little video of him watching his mobile in his pumpkin sleeper:
And this is his little pumpkin butt. So cute!
I will try to be better at posting things this month... :)
Cute posting! Love the video spots!
oh my word...he is so cute. of course he has those big, gorgeous eyes...look at you and kelly!
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